Friday, April 15, 2011

Moving Forward, Backward, or Somewhere In Between

The whole blog thing is a bit foreign to me so I apologize for any random things that pop up and may not be kosher here in the blogger world. I’ve been thinking a lot about the purpose of life. Not necessarily what it is, but how to achieve fulfillment and have more of a desire to move forward. You see, I have reached a plateau. When I think about moving on to bigger things I don’t see a lot of purpose, I know there are a lot of great things out there to accomplish but, having been force fed to never be content with where I am, it has ironically resulted in a desire to just find a place where I am content. As it stands I hit that point a long time ago.
Sometimes this just makes me feel a tad empty but at the same time, I feel worse when I try to move forward. I know that dealing with hardship is part of growth but at the same time, if all we do through life is endure hardship, what keeps us growing? If a rock, as solid as it may be, is continually beat upon by water, it is reduced to nothing. Sometimes I just wonder, how much more can I take before I’ve taken too much? I know this sounds a little on the depressed and possible a little beyond that, but I assure you, I am in my right mind.